Thursday, January 25, 2018


This is arranged in the northern piece of the Lumbine village.It is additionally calling world peace pagoda . Nipponzan Myohji, a Japanese Boddhist organationation and the Lumbine Develpoment Trust on 6, August 1993 consented to an arrangement for a plot of land estimating 220m x 220m toward the north of the water tower in the New Lumbine town .The pagoda is near the lumbine crane haven . This great pagoda 41.5m. tall and 59 m in width. In a standout amongst the most attractive fantastic structure in Lumbine . The taking off structure was outlined by Dr. minaru Okaka. The four brilliant plate bronze picture of the Buddha delineating the birth, illumination, frist sermon and mahaparinirvan of Lord Buddha are sets into the Stupa's Dome and face the four cardinal bearings. The Golden hued zenith adds to the mirth of the stupa. 

Nichiren Buddhism Founder by Nichiren Daishonin, as Japanese Buddhism in which of the mantra namu myoho regne kyo is discussed repetitivelyfor great wellbeing, satisfaction and enlightment. Nichiren Buddhists belive that it is conceivable to accomplish edification in a solitary life time through legitimate practice on the Nichiren way . This type of Buddhisim is partitioned into a few requests Today .Rev. sato Tasuma, the main abbot of the monastery arranges peace walks in various piece of Nepal and a few times in various nations.

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